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Combustion tests

We have passed successfully waste gases tests for the following fuels:

  • Brown coal, bituminous coal, and lignite
    Approximately 30 tests and combustion tests have been carried out on equipment supplied in the presence of authorized measuring groups. Many types of brown-coal and bituminous-coal fuels and lignite have been burnt during these tests. The individual fuels mentioned below have also been burnt with the use of various lime additives, especially Hydčice limestone, Čížkovice limestone, and calcium hydrate.

  • HP1AD Most (0÷10 mm; Qri – 15.9 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 24.0 %; Sr – 1.1 %; Wrt – 26.0 %)

  • HP2AD Most (0÷10 mm; Qri – 12.9 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 35.0 %; Sr – 1.0 %; Wrt – 25.5 %)

  • HP3AD Most (0÷10 mm; Qri – 12.0 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 38.5 %; Sr – 1.0 %; Wrt – 28.3 %)

  • HP1AD Bílina (0÷10 mm; Qri – 16.4 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 15.0 %; Sr – 0.84 %; Wrt – 29.7 %)

  • PS3AD Bílina (0÷30 mm; Qri – 15.6 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 18.6 %; Sr – 0.85 %; Wrt – 29.5 %)

  • PS3 Most (0÷40 mm; Qri – 11.0 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 40.0 %; Sr – 1.0 %; Wrt – 28.0 %)

  • PS3 Chomutov (0÷30 mm; Qri – 12.5 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 35.3 %; Sr – 0.82 %; Wrt – 25.5 %)

  • Nut coal 02 Bílina (10÷25 mm; Qri – 17.6 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 9.8 %; Sr – 0.77 %; Wrt – 30.2 %)

  • Nub – bituminous coal (50÷80 mm; Qri – 30.06 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 6.5 %; Sr – 0.6 %; Wrt – 4.0 %)

  • Nut coal, lignite Mikulčice (40÷120 mm; Qri – 8.8 MJ.kg-1; Ad – 24.0 %; Sr – 1.1 %; Wrt – 49,0 % )

  • Alternative fuels on sewage treatment plant sludge and general biomass basis – compost for use in energy generation (sewage treatment plant sludge 18 %; rape straw 10.41 %; grass 33.34 %; chips 14.72 %; and leaves 23.53 %). Calorific value 9.5 MJ/kg; ash 44 %; sulphur 0.42 %; moisture 30 %.

  • Rough wood chips; beech wood chips (from TON Holešov)

  • Cereal bio-alcohol stillage in the 100 % energy ratio (from BGV Hnězdné)

  • Maize bio-alcohol stillage in the 100 % energy ratio (from Enviralu Leopoldov)

  • Cereal straw in the 100 % energy ratio

  • Extracted rapeseed meals from oil production in the 100 % energy ratio (from Preol Lovosice)

  • Hammer-milled wood bark at a 100 % energy ratio (from the saw and timber mill of HAAS FERTIGBAU Chanovice)

© Kovosta-fluid, a.s. 2018

Email: kovosta@kovosta.cz Tel: +420 580 582 951-8
Fax: +420 580 582 950
Mobil: +420 603 444 095
Kovosta-fluid, a.s.
Vápenka 4
636 00 Brno-Židenice 
Hranice Division
Čechova 131
753 01 Hranice