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Industrial property rights

patentKovosta-fluid holds several solutions protected by patents especially in the design and methods of controlling and operating a boiler and a fluidized bed combustion chamber.

Patent no. 298 684 “Fluidized bed boiler”, no. 294 560 “Method of extending the output control of a fluidized bed boiler with a stationary oxidation fluidized bed and a boiler to perform this method”, no. 295 055 “Method of controlling boilers with a stationary fluidized bed”, no. 296 043 “Method of controlling a fluidized bed boiler with a stationary fluidized bed with an oxidizing atmosphere and equipment to perform this method”, patent no. 301 745 “Method of controlling
a fluidized bed height and a fluidized bed combustion boiler to perform this method“, and no. 301 744 “
Fluidized bed combustion boiler”.

The most important of these are the patents in the area of low ash melting temperature fuel combustion, patent no. 301 071 and no. 300 196, and the European industrial property right under number PCT/CZ008/000091 “Fuel and process of deriving a heat of biomass with a low temperature of ash melting, especially from slops from the production of bioethanol, and an arrangement for implementation of this process” which is extended to include the Ukraine, Russia, the USA, and Canada in addition to Europe.

This patented solution enables the efficient combustion of fuels containing substances that cause low ash melting temperature, especially those made of herbal biomass and also by-products of industrial production (cereal straw, cereal waste products, bio-alcohol stillage, rapeseed meals, poppies, spent grain, coconut shells, by-products of oil production, and the like). These fuels are not usually burnt as burning-in occurs (a glaze creates) on the grates and the heat exchange surfaces of the boiler when they are burnt.

© Kovosta-fluid, a.s. 2018

Email: kovosta@kovosta.cz Tel: +420 580 582 951-8
Fax: +420 580 582 950
Mobil: +420 603 444 095
Kovosta-fluid, a.s.
Vápenka 4
636 00 Brno-Židenice 
Hranice Division
Čechova 131
753 01 Hranice